How to cancel a Lyft ride and not get charged with a fee

1 year ago 150
  • If you change your mind after booking a Lyft, you can cancel a Lyft ride, but you have to do so within two minutes if you want to avoid a fee.
  • You can schedule a Lyft ride up to a week and then cancel the ride at no charge, if you cancel before you're matched with a driver.
  • If your Lyft driver arrives and you don't show up within five minutes, they can cancel the trip themselves, leaving you with an automatic $10 fee, in most locations.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

Lyft and other ride-hailing services are all about ease of use, so it only makes sense that the app makes it easy to cancel a ride.

If you suddenly change your mind and decide to walk, learn you have to leave your home or office a bit later, or if your plans change for any other reason, you can cancel your Lyft ride with just a few taps in the Lyft app for iPhone or Android.

But be quick — you have only two minutes to cancel a Lyft after you request a ride before you're charged a fee, which is $10 in most locations but varies by region.

And speaking of changed plans, if you scheduled a Lyft, you need to cancel before you're matched with a driver, or else you'll be hit with that same fee.

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How to cancel a Lyft ride you just booked

1. As soon as you decide to cancel the trip, tap "Edit ride" at the bottom left corner of the screen.

2. Tap "Cancel ride."


Tap "Cancel ride" within two minutes of ordering the ride to avoid a fee. Steven John/Business Insider

3. Confirm the cancellation by clicking the red words "Cancel ride."


Confirm that you want to cancel your ride. Steven John/Business Insider

How to cancel a scheduled Lyft trip

1. Tap the calendar icon on the top right corner of the Lyft app homepage.

2. Tap the "x" above "Cancel ride."

3. Hit "Cancel" in the purple window to confirm the cancellation.

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Steven John

Freelance Writer

Steven John is a freelance writer living near New York City by way of 12 years in Los Angeles, four in Boston, and the first 18 near DC. When not writing or spending time with his wife and kids, he can occasionally be found climbing mountains. His writing is spread across the web, and his books can be found at

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