Commission v. Apple: This step was overdue!

2 years ago 229

The European Commission has opened an antitrust investigation against
Apple. It now wants to examine whether Apple violates EU competition rules
with its rules for payment systems for the App Store.

*Rasmus Andresen*, shadow rapporteur for the Digital Markets Act in the
Industry Committee, member of the Econ-Committee and spokesperson for the
German Green delegation in the European Parliament comments as follows:

"I welcome the start of the investigation against Apple. The indications
that Apple was exploiting its market power to disadvantage competing
companies had been mounting for some time. I am pleased that the Commission
now seems to have collected enough material to take the first steps towards

But these proceedings also show how urgently we need the Digital Markets
Act. Instead of lengthy investigations, we need the new rules to be
implemented quickly. In the future, the DMA will make it illegal to keep
app developers out of stores if they don't accept certain payment systems."

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